Week 24
Well we finally got the Christmas tree up, and I am very happy about that. Our bay window area in our dining room was so full of baby stuff that there wasn't any room for a tree. James and I managed to move the crib and other things into the downstairs bedroom after I cleaned that out a bit. As much as I love Christmas, I'm really hating wrapping gifts this year. Reaching for things when I am wrapping gifts is somewhat difficult. I'm half tempted to use gift bags for everything this year....that is a pretty lazy thing to do though.
Anyway, here is what is happening with the baby this week:
"Your baby weighs a little over a pound and is about 8 1/2 inches long -- the size of a banana. Your baby's skin becomes less translucent as pigment is deposited, and it looks wrinkly because his body is making his skin more quickly than it makes the fat to pad underneath it. Your baby's unique hand and footprints are forming."