Visiting Grandmaw and Grandpap
James brought me and Corbin home to West Virginia last weekend. Corbin has taken to drooling......copious amounts of drool. So much drool that after I had just changed Corbin's diaper and put him in a new outfit I looked down and thought that his diaper had leaked. He was soaked!
Corbin has also started giggling. I didn't believe my mom when she told me he had laughed. I was in the shower and I missed it. A few days later we were all sitting on the porch and the dogs started to play. My parents' dog, Sassy, has a very funny growl. Corbin apparently thought it was hilarious too! I cried when I heard him laugh the first time. It was so sweet!
Here is Corbin blowing spit bubbles with drool dripping from his mouth in his new Tigger outfit.

GreatGran Mary talks to Corbin.