Mac n' Cheeze
Corbin's first mac n' cheeze

Oh boy, for me?

Spoon at the ready!

Ready to put in my mouth

What am I doing it wrong?

How about I just smear it on the table?

Or just drop it on the floor and call it a day?
Everything you want to know about our St. Patrick's Day baby.
Corbin's first mac n' cheeze
Corbin is babbling in complete sentences now and we spend time wondering, "What are you trying to say?" There is some debate about the first word he has spoken. Even when Corbin was a tiny little guy, when he was very upset he would cry, MAMA.
Corbin also got a new pair of "Cars" themed shoes, which happened to match the shirt he was wearing today.
Corbin got a package today from his other grandma for Valentine's Day and some early birthday presents.
For Valentine's day Corbin received a card and a red monkey from his Grammie